Kamis, 25 Oktober 2007

Artikel Web

What Is a Web Application?

Web applications are by nature distributed applications, meaning that they are programs that run on more than one computer and communicate through a network or server. Specifically, web applications are accessed with a web browser and are popular because of the ease of using the browser as a user client. For the enterprise, the ability to update and maintain web applications without deploying and installing software on potentially thousands of client computers is a key reason for their popularity. Web applications are used for web mail, online retail sales, discussion boards, weblogs, online banking, and more. One web application can be accessed and used by millions of people.

Like desktop applications, web applications are made up of many parts and often contain miniprograms, some of which have user interfaces, and some of which do not require a graphical user interface (GUI) at all. In addition, web applications frequently require an additional markup or scripting language, such as HTML, CSS, or JavaScript programming language. Also, many applications use only the Java programming language, which is ideal because of its versatility.

A web application can be as simple as a page that shows the current date and time or as complex as a set of pages on which you can look up and book the most convenient flight, hotels, and car rentals for your next vacation.

The Java technologies you'll use to create web applications are a part of the Java EE platform, in addition to many of the Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE) classes and packages. In order for many of these technologies to work on a server, the server must have a container, or web server, installed that recognizes and runs the classes you create. For development and testing of these technologies, you can use the tools detailed in this article, but when you deploy, make sure that the server has Java server software installed to run Java technology-based web applications. If you don't have access to this information, ask the server administrator.


Nama            : Rahmat Yunia Sutanto
Panggilan     : Genjo
TTL              : Kulon Progo, 13 Juni 1991
Alamat         : Galur, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta
Scholl            : SMK N 1 PENGASIH
Hobby          : Bulutangkis



Hay guys? Thanks z pada loe smua yang dah mau berkunjung ke web gue ini.
Selanjutnya slamat menkmati smua fasilitas yg ada di web gue ini tp coiir..bgt z klo web gue ini masih banyak kekurangan, maklum gue baru aja bljar bkin web. Oh z, utk loe smua klo mau kasih saran or kritik bisa kok, taruh aja krtik n saran loe di bawah sonoooooo,,,,,?
Z dah sekian aja z, thankssss
